Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Baby Pictures!

Here are Baby Boy's first pictures! Ain't he cute. :) I think he already looks like me in the chin and mouth...Curtis thinks I'm crazy. I'll let y'all be the judge! (I'm pretty sure at some point he's going to be really mad at Mama for posting his "jewels" on the Internet. For now he'll have to deal with it) Ouch...I think he heard that...he just kicked me.

Welcome to my bloggy thingy!

OK I did it...in the words of my beloved Dave Matthews...

I did it
Do you think I’ve gone too far?
I did it
Guilty as charged
I did it
It was me right or wrong
I did it

All right, enough nonsense for today. In all sobriety, I have been pestered endlessly by friends, co-workers, etc., to either get a MySpace or Facebook. WHY? Those websites have been nothing but drama for me. I refuse to give in to pressure! However, since getting pregnant I do see where it could be fun to share all or at least some of the rambling thoughts, cravings, aches and pains that I go through on a daily basis. Just kidding, I won't subject you to ONLY that stuff. (I think I lost a few readers just from that sentance) but I want to post pictures, updates and all that fun stuff!

So...stay tuned! As for today, I'm off to eat Japanese food with my bestest girlfriends in the world. But only steak or shrimp, since I can't seem to stand the smell, sight or taste of chicken since I've been knocked up. Unless it's chicken wings. Smothered in BBQ sauce. Go figure. Mallory pointed out today that it could be due to the fact that they shoot up the baby chickens with hormones and my body might not like the fact that I'm putting more hormones into my body that is already raging with hormones. It makes sense.

OK seriously bye.